Evaluating the Effects of International Monetary Fund Programs
Publications since 2006:
- The International Financial Crisis and Europe: What is the IMF’s Role?, published as “The Role of the IMF in the International Financial and Eurozone Crisis”, chapter 7 in J. DeBardeleben and C. Viju: Economic Crisis in Europe. London, UK: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013.
- Projecting Macroeconomic Outcomes: How has the IMF Done? (with Ruben Atoyan), published as Atoyen, R. and P. Conway: “Projecting Macroeconomic Outcomes: Evidence from the IMF”, Review of International Organizations 6/4, September 2011, p. 415-441.
- Participation in IMF Programs and Income Inequality, chapter 11 in Boughton, J. and D. Lombardi, eds.: Finance, Development and the IMF. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2009.
- The Revolving Door: Duration and Recidivism in IMF Programs, Review of Economics and Statistics 89/2, 2007, pp.205-220.
- Endogenous IMF Conditionality: Theoretical and Empirical Implications — presented at ASSA meetings, January 2004, and published as chapter 4 of Ranis, G., J. Vreeland and S. Kosack, eds: Globalization and the Nation State. Routledge, 2006.
- Projecting Macroeconomic Adjustment in IMF-Supported Programs (with Rouben Atoian, Marcelo Selowsky and Tsidi Tsikata), published as chapter 12 of Ranis, G., J. Vreeland and S. Kosack, eds: Globalization and the Nation State. Routledge, 2006.
- Evaluating the Impact of IMF Programs: A Comparison of Matching and Instrumental-Variable Estimators (with Ruben Atoyan), Review of International Organizations 1/2, 2006, pp. 99-124.
- International Monetary Fund in a Time of Crisis — A Review Essay, Journal of Economic Literature 40/1, 2006, pp. 114-141.