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A Conference of The Economics Department and
the Center for the Study of the American South


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
8-9 April 2004

Conference Agenda


Session 1: When do Firms Downsize?

Background paper: Patrick Conway: When do Firms Downsize?

Power point presentation of Conway’s talk.


Session 2: Case study of Spindale.

Background paper: A Short History of Stonecutter Mills and Spindale


Session 3: Case study of Kannapolis.

Background paper: Myra Beatty, Douglas Longman and Van Tran: Community Response to the Pillowtex Textile Kannapolis Closings: “Rapid Response Team” as a Facilitative Device

Power point version from presentation.

Jim Cook’s comments.


Session 4: Community Change from the Ground Up

Background paper: Andrew Dobelstein: Anticipating and Engaging the Need for Economic Change: A Summary of Efforts

Howard Rosen: Designing a New Approach to Assist Workers and Communities Respond to Globalization


Other sponsors include Dr. Kathy Brittain White, the Southern Growth Policies Board, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Conference Agenda